Brief Introduction

I’m Shihang Wang (王世航), a master student of ShanghaiTech University, supervised by Fang Bai. I received my B.S. degree at college of fisheries and life science of Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) in 2022.

My research interests center around the application of artificial intelligence algorithms in drug design, with a particular focus on compound ADMET properties prediction and molecular generation. Additionally, I am dedicated to advancing computational methods for molecular design in order to find new avenues for breakthroughs in drug development.

“I’m expected to graduate in the summer of 2025 and I’m currently actively seeking a suitable PhD supervisor.” If any prospective supervisors find my profile suitable and are interested, please give me a valuable opportunity to join the team.

Representative Works

  • DeepSA: a deep-learning driven predictor of compound synthesis accessibility. [J Cheminform]
  • DeepmRNALoc: the state-of-the-art mRNA subcellular localization prediction method. [Molecules]
  • Molecular evolutionary characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 emerging in the United States. [JMV]


  1. 12/2023, congratulations to Pengxuan Ren for successfully publishing his research paper on the last day of 2023, and it was an honor to be a part of this research!
  2. 12/2023, we have introduced the GeminiMol, which incorporates conformational space information into molecular representation learning, refer to GitHub and BioRxiv.
  3. 11/2023, we proposed a deep learning based computational model called DeepSA, witch could predict the synthesis accessibility of compounds. DeepSA has a high early enrichment rate for difficult to synthesize compounds and is significantly outperforming other existing methods. DeepSA is currently available online through the Bailab website. This work was done jointly by Lin Wang and me.
  4. 03/2023, we proposed DeepmRNALoc, a deep learning-based prediction model, and compared it to other existing models, demonstrating significant improvements in predicting eukaryotic mRNA subcellular localization.
  5. 09/2022, Shihang Wang joined the Bailab of ShanghaiTech University.
  6. 09/2021, we preliminarily clarified the evolutionary characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States, providing a scientific basis for future surveillance and prevention of virus variants. This work was published on Journal of Medical Virology.